Sunday, February 9, 2025
[get_billboard key="ondemand_shopify" pos="first"]

...So, why did Internet Marketer Guy start offering On-Demand Marketer Support for Shopify...

I remember, working for a high volume e-commerce company, managing a sizable marketing budget that brought in thousands of transactions per day, there were so many times where other e-commerce business owners just starting out and even some mid-sized stores were contacting me for help…

They wanted the same level of results that I was getting with the big company, but they were just not willing to hire a marketing expert to get those results. Many of them just didn’t understand how much leverage they would get having an Internet Marketer available for their business…

Had they understood, they could have saved time…

Having an expert that is ready to answer any questions you have about Internet Marketing or your Shopify business saves you time and money. You don’t have to figure things out or let opportunities pass you by. The truth is, not having someone that understands your needs, puts you at a disadvantage…

Had they understood, they could have gotten better results…

Some people make it seem easy, to be able to run an online business, manage the marketing, and even grow it into a successful venture. It’s actually hard to make a Shopify business have continued growth, month after month. Having an expert really increases those odds of success…

Had they understood, they could have invested in themselves…

An expert Internet Marketer will add value to your Shopify business. Taking on the challenge of running your business is hard enough, having someone point out the problems, providing the solutions, and planning for the future is a safe investment…

...While working for successful online companies, I was still working with small businesses...

There were small businesses that I really wanted to help, so I worked with them as a part-time consultant. I would help them with their online business strategy, their offer economics, their landing pages, and their methods for driving traffic. So I took from my experience working with the larger online companies and transferred that knowledge to the smaller online businesses…

These small businesses understood, that you can’t be an expert in everything…

Unless your an expert in all fields, you just can’t do everything that needs to be done to achieve growth out of your Shopify business. At some point, just getting by with your marketing will begin to show in your stagnant or declining sales…

These small businesses understood, that you can’t learn first…

You can stop to learn all you need to know about Internet Marketing strategies for your Shopify business, but your going to lose vital time keeping it running. If you learn as you go, it’s going to take just as much time, if not more, and you might not learn the right lessons…

These small businesses understood, that you need to work smarter…

The average Shopify business owner has to work harder when they lack the Internet Marketing experience needed to be effective and efficient. Knowing how to cause growth and duplicate it is the main driver of a successful online business…

...Not all these small businesses succeeded, while some failed, they could have been saved...

Setting up a Shopify business, finding products and services to sell, and even creating your first ad campaign is the easy part. The difficult part is figuring out how to position your Shopify store in the marketplace, finding the right customers, and having a reliable sales process. The next step is scaling and duplicating, but if you’ve never done it before, your bound to make mistakes, some even costly…

Some of these small businesses had unrealistic expectations…

Shopify business owners set unrealistic expectations, they fail to understand the costs of their business, and worst assume their sales will always exist and continue to grow. Realistically, a good plan is better than no plan, and a great plan involves being realistic about where sales come from and taking advantage of every opportunity…

Others of these small businesses undervalued the customer…

Seeing a customer sale as a singular event is a sure fire way to achieve failure. Not offering up-sells, down-sells, or even post-purchase offers, is not a plan for success. A customer sale is a greater opportunity for revenue growth with a long-term focus on your Shopify business…

While most of these small business lacked consistency…

Lack of consistency is a nail in the coffin for a Shopify business owner. You can find the best products to sell and learn all the skills needed to manage your online marketing, but if you can’t do each day what is needed to keep sales coming into your store, than your wasting money and losing out on opportunities…

...An On-Demand Marketer Is Just Like Having a Marketing Department For Your Shopify Business...

You know you don’t need a full-time Vice President, Director, or Manager of Internet Marketing. What you need is someone to help you define a strategy for your online business and setup proven tactics that convert prospects into sales.

You don’t want to be searching for answers, you need to be able to send questions, and get answers when you need them…

Your probably asking how this works? Well, you have a lot of questions on how to successfully start, maintain, or grow your business…

There are a bunch of skills you need, tools to leverage those skills, and you’ll need feedback along the way…

That’s where I come in, you can send me messages and I will respond in the best way possible to help you to understand and overcome each obstacle your facing…

You don’t need to know everything, and I don’t know everything, but together we can figure out each question that is important to helping you succeed at your business…

Consider me your Internet Marketing department until you can hire your own Marketing Manager or Director of Marketing. And, here is a little secret, I have held many of those titles and I used experts to help me learn when I did not have the answers to overcome the many obstacles that I encountered…

So, you ask a question…

Send your individual questions and I will answer as best as I can with what I know or I can find…

You get an answer…

I want you to learn, so it could be a simple answer or an in-depth walk-through with other resources…

I’m hands on…

With reasonable amounts of questions, I can provide really good help for the things you need to know…

You need more help…

We can put together a special plan that fits with your budget and my schedule…

...There are only ( 3 ) e-commerce principles that I would tell you to focus on...

I would look at your Shopify store and apply the same ( 3 ) principles that successful e-commerce stores have been using to run their profitable businesses. Just because you may be starting out or running a smaller Shopify store, doesn’t mean you can’t follow the same fundamentals.

Increase your number of sales…

You can’t grow your store without increasing your sales. This seem obvious, but you need to think beyond just the singular sale, and look at the long-term opportunity of winning a customer.

Increase your value per sale…

You can’t grow your profits without increasing each cart value. You should be setup to create multiple sell options for each sale. You need to transition each opportunity from a single sale to a multi-sale conversion.

Increase your number of sales per customer…

You can’t grow your business without increasing multiple sales per customer. If your setup correctly, you can keep the customer engaged with your brand and lead them back into new sale opportunities. Your cost-of-acquisition has already been paid, this would be your best method of continuing to get low-cost sales.

...You need a big Shopify strategy to get you bigger results...

Believing and following the ( 3 ) basic principles is a good start, but you need to have a strategy in place that follows those principles and processes setup for your guidance.

You need a plan that starts with an irresistible offer and continues building your campaign…

Selling one or many items in your Shopify store still requires you to create irresistible sale opportunities for each or one of your products. You want to focus on the products that are going to have the highest desirability and best conversion possibilities, that give you greater sales momentum.

You need a smarter way to keep your ads driving inbound traffic…

Your ads are conversation starters and relationship builders. Each time your ad is seen, it needs to be a personalized version meant to address the customers stage of qualification and their desire to buy from your Shopify store.

You need to optimize your pages for more conversions…

Your Shopify pages need to be ready for high-volume sales and exit contingencies. You need to create an environment that continues with the personalization of your offer and gives the customer the best experience possible for buying.

You need to get more lifetime value out of your customers…

Your job isn’t done after the sale. You want to create more opportunities for your customer to buy again from you. You never want to stop the relationship building, keep providing more value to them.

...I am available now, ready to get started helping you with your Shopify marketing...

I offer a very unique service that aims to take you and your Shopify business to a new level of success…

Everyone defines success differently, but the core idea of success is to achieve the maximum amount of value with the least amount of effort…

I want to provide you with an incredible amount of value. I have always loved helping people achieve their life goals through their business and I can help you do the same with your Shopify business…

...You Wanted An Affordable Shopify Marketer...
"...So I decided to offer an On-Demand Shopify Marketer service to help you..."
- Internet Marketer Guy

Way Cheaper Than Hiring Someone Full-Time!

Internet Marketer Guy
On-Demand Marketer
For Shopify
Expert Level, For Serious Businesses That Are Ready...
For Just $998...
You Get:
  • 30-days of unlimited 1-on-1 email access to the Internet Marketer Guy
  • Priority same day response for email access
  • Access to extended services for your business ( for same 30-days )
  • 30-days of direct-access to the Internet Marketer Guy via Skype Chat
  • Shopify store, product, and offer analysis
  • Customer acquisition, offer economics, new niche product matches
  • ( 4 ) 45-minute Skype calls w/ the Internet Marketer Guy ( same 30-days )
  • Only for the Shopify owner that is ready today!
On-Demand Marketer
for Shopify
Is Not Available
All Prices in $USD
Internet Marketer Guy
On-Demand Marketer
For Shopify
Most Popular, Get Same Day Access and Expert Support...
For Just $698...
You Get:
  • 30-days of unlimited 1-on-1 email access to the Internet Marketer Guy
  • Priority same day response for email access
  • Access to extended services for your business ( for same 30-days )
  • Shopify store, product, and offer analysis
You Don't Get:
  • Direct-access to the Internet Marketer Guy via Skype Chat ( same 30-days )
  • Customer acquisition, offer economics, new niche product matches
  • 45-minute Skype calls w/ the Internet Marketer Guy ( same 30-days )
Internet Marketer Guy
On-Demand Marketer
For Shopify
Just Getting Started, Access to Expert Support...
For Just $498...
You Get:
  • 30-days of unlimited 1-on-1 email access to the Internet Marketer Guy
  • Access to extended services for your business ( for same 30-days )
You Don't Get:
  • Priority same day response for email access
  • Direct-access to the Internet Marketer Guy via Skype Chat ( same 30-days )
  • Shopify store, product, and offer analysis
  • Customer acquisition, offer economics, new niche product matches
  • 45-minute Skype calls w/ the Internet Marketer Guy ( same 30-days )
Payment Processing & Security
Stripe handles the credit card processing of all of our orders. You should already know who they are, if you dont, they manage the processing of credit transactions for a lot of the major and smaller websites that do business online.
As soon as you click on the button above, you are going to be taken to a secure page to confirm your order, where you will be able to enter your credit card information into a secure form and Stripe will process the payment. We will never take possession of your credit card information, therefore, it should never be at risk of being stolen.
Still not convinced? You also get a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee...
There is no risk on your part. This should relieve you of any anxiety you may have getting started. My goal is to build trust and add value to your business. If for any reason you feel that I didnt provide you with that trust or value, then please contact support within the first 30-days and I will make sure you get your full refund...
The support email address can be found on our Contact page here...
Remember this, you and I are in business, we both want to earn more doing what we love. The best businesses have many people that support them to do better. I want to be that person that you rely on, thats why I want to earn every dollar you pay me...
Trust me, I want to work for you, lets get started today...
[get_billboard key="ondemand_shopify" pos="second"]

Frequently Asked Questions

How will the Internet Marketer Guy work with me?

It starts with getting to know you, your Shopify store, and your goals. Then a strategy is put together for maximum effectiveness. And last, when you have questions, you send them over, and I work with you to get them

Are you only offering a service to answer questions?

No. The service starts with either taking direction from you because you already have a plan or we start working together on a strategy for your Shopify store. Your the owner, you will do the work, but you don’t know everything. That’s where questions start, each task of the strategy begins to encourage consistency, and this gets you closer to success.

What is the difference between the Internet Marketer Guy and hiring a Marketing Manager or Director of e-Commerce?

Besides the commitment to a sizable salary and time, the more obvious difference is not everyone needs that level of support all the time. Your commitment is minimal in comparison and you get on demand access whenever your need questions answered.

Does it matter what I sell in my Shopify store?

In all honesty, it really doesn’t matter if your completely focused physical, digital, or any type of product. The methods for developing an idea from scratch, knowing which tools to use to offer a product or service, and driving traffic to an offer are all the same. We just need to work together to make sure that we understand what it is you want so we can work towards that goal.

What type of questions are you expecting to receive?

Questions that are important to your Shopify store, such as Internet Marketing in general, driving traffic from the major ad platforms, such as Facebook and Google, building an irresistible offer, landing page and checkout optimization, SEO, and anything else that you and I think that you need help with. The idea is, I am the solution that you need to get your store beyond just generating sales, but dominating the competition.

What if I don't know what questions to ask?

Then your not off to a great start. Seriously, your already at a disadvantage. So you need me to help you learn. There are two things that will help you succeed with me, 1). If you know a lot or know nothing, admitting to me of either one which lets me now where to start helping, 2). Being an active participant in your business and sending over questions, requests for help, or just staying in contact with me.

I am not sure if I really need an Internet Marketer Guy?

If you can do everything yourself, your one of the few that can. Odds are, you can’t do it all yourself. The best businesses align themselves with the best people. But, if you can’t afford to hire the best now, you can have access to one of the best now, for advice and support, and when you ready start hiring your full-time marketing team. It’s a no-brainer, access to someone with a lot of Internet Marketing experience, at a fraction of the cost.

How do you set me up for success?

Starting with an on demand service is just the start for setting you up for success. [ SECRET ] I want more of your business, each month I want to be your Internet Marketer Guy, besides the on-demand service for Shopify, I also offer a self-service strategy plan, managed services, and full-service consultation, all of which I know can help you.

My availability is not just to answer questions, but also provide strategic and tactical value as well. That means, I get to know you, your business, your offer, and start giving real advice on what you should be focusing on first to get real results.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Yes, if your not satisfied with the level of value that On-Demand Marketer for Shopify offers, just send an email to me for a refund request and if your contacting me before the end of the refund period, than I will be happy to process that request. I want to help as many small businesses as possible, each month, and earn each dollar they pay me in the process.

[get_billboard key="ondemand_shopify" pos="third"]